Marian Small, the former Dean of Education at the University of New Brunswick, writes and speaks about K-12 math across the country. Her focus is on teacher questioning to get at the important math, to include all students, and to focus on critical thinking and creativity.
Some resources she has written include Making Math Meaningful for Canadian Students: K-8, Big Ideas from Dr. Small (at several levels), Good Questions: A Great Way to Differentiate Math Instruction, More Good Questions: A Great Way to Differentiate Secondary Math Instruction, Eyes on Math, Gap Closing(for the Ministry of Education in Ontario), Leaps and Bounds toward Math Understanding (at several levels), Uncomplicating Fractions, Uncomplicating Algebra, Building Proportional Reasoning, Open Questions for the Three-Part Lesson (at several levels), Fun and Fundamental Math for Young Children, The School Leader’s Guide for Building and Sustaining Math Success, and MathUp, a new digital teaching K – 8 resource.